What is Baptism?
Baptism is an outward sign of an inward decision and commitment to follow Jesus. The Bible tells us to "repent and be baptised" (Acts 2:38) and we believe that scripture is clear that baptism means full immersion in water. When we go under the water of baptism it is as if we are dying with Christ, burying our sin with him. When we come out of the water we share in the resurrection of Jesus. Our sin stays buried, but we are made alive.
What is Water Baptism?
We believe that the biblical basis for baptism is that it is only for those who have already
responded in faith to Jesus. Baptism does not save us, but it is a powerful sign and declaration of
saving faith.
How should baptism happen? With lots of water! The Greek word baptizo means ‘to plunge, dip,
immerse’. There is an expectation in the word itself that the person being baptised is completely
immersed in water. In the New Testament accounts of baptism we can see that it always happened
where there was lots of water, normally in a river. The person getting baptised was not sprinkled
but was baptised: plunged, dipped, immersed. This was not because there was some magic about
the amount of water used, but because of what the water symbolises. Water baptism represents
our joining with Jesus in his burial and resurrection; a symbolism which sprinkling misses entirely.
When we go under the water of baptism it is as if we are dying with Christ, burying our sin with him.
When we come out of the water we share in the resurrection of Jesus. Our sin stays buried, but we
are made alive. Baptism is a sign of God’s judgement upon sin but coming out of the water is a
sign that, united with Christ, we pass safely through God’s judgement into life. Baptism is an
appeal to God; a cry of faith. Non-believers cannot make this appeal! Baptism is for those who
make a believable profession of faith.
Baptism is not necessary for salvation but it is part of the normal order of salvation and without
baptism we are seriously missing out on God’s grace to us. And as baptism is a command of
Jesus, it is necessary if we are to be obedient to him. Jesus instructed his disciples, Go and make
disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit (Matthew 28:19). If we obey Jesus in this command we can expect to receive the blessing
that comes with obedience.
Baptism strengthens and encourages our faith. It does this for the one being baptised and also for
those who are watching. It is a tangible, physical representation of a spiritual reality. It is far more
than merely a symbol. Baptism is a once and for all declaration: “I was a sinner, destined for hell,
but now I am declared righteous. I belong to Jesus and will be with him forever!”
What if I was ‘baptised’ as a baby?
We would say – be baptised as a believer. Usually there are historical or emotional reasons why
people don’t want to be baptised in water if they have been baptised as a baby. However, there just
doesn’t seem to be any biblical evidence to support getting baptised before you actually believe.
On the contrary the bible is clear that baptism should follow repentance.
Take a look at the following verses and see for yourself: Matthew 3:6, Mark 1:4-5, Mark 16:16, Acts
2:38, Acts 8:12, Acts 9:17, Acts 13:24, Acts 16:15, Acts 16:31-33, Acts 18:8, Acts 19:3
If you have made a commitment to Jesus, we would love to talk to you about baptism.
Why not email [email protected] and start the conversation about why, when and how!