Amazing Grace?
At the heart of what we believe is what we call “the gospel of grace”. The second you become a Christian, God’s amazing grace transforms your life.
Grace declares that God’s love for you is complete, unchanging and unconditional. You are accepted just as you are!
Whether you do well or badly, sin or stay pure, you are completely accepted because of the righteousness of Jesus that has been given to you.
You can’t improve God’s love for you. You can’t reduce God’s love for you. This means that we cannot lose our salvation.
This makes for motivated, inspired Christians serving God and each other out of delight and joy, and not out of fear or bondage! This means that a church enjoying the grace of God is a fantastic place to be.
Sadly, many people think that to be in a relationship with God means “I have to obey”. But cold obedience becomes legalistic, nothing more than following self-imposed rules and regulations.
Instead the Bible gives us a picture of a God who expects us to obey, not so that we become accepted but because we are accepted.
Our church loathes legalism and adores the amazing grace of God! Grace not only saves us (Eph 2:8), but “grace teaches us to say ‘no’ to ungodliness and worldly passions and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives” (Titus 2:12).
Check out this amazing video, “The Force of Grace” put together by Elevation Church.
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